
Waterloo Rheumatology




Patients must have a referral to see a rheumatologist. Healthcare providers can make a referral to an individual rheumatologist below.

Referral letters should state a clinical question in the context of a considered clinical evaluation — history, physical exam, and initial investigations. We accept referrals for Inflammatory Arthritis, Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases, and Vasculitis. We do not accept referrals for chronic pain/fatigue, fibromyalgia, or genetic disorders of connective tissue/hypermobility syndromes.




Dr. Sandeep Dhillon
Phone: (519) 804-9585
Fax: (519) 578-4422

Dr. Sabrina Lue
Phone: (519) 279-1990
Fax: (519) 895-1623

Dr. Gabriel Jeyasingham
Phone: (519) 279-4047
Fax: (519) 884-1107

Dr. Yan Yeung
Phone: (519) 584-2993
Fax: (519) 749-9054



Medical Centre Building #2
435 The Boardwalk, Suite 208
Waterloo, ON N2T 0C2
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